Adriana Rodríguez Diaz, M.A., BCBA, LBA, serves as the Associate Clinical Director at Behavioral Framework and is bilingual, fluent in Spanish and English. Her journey into Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) began with her love for working with children, which she explored through community service during high school. Adriana earned her Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of Central Florida, where she was first introduced to ABA, sparking her passion and commitment to this field.

She furthered her expertise by earning a Master’s degree in Applied Behavior Analysis and Clinical Science from Rollins College, focusing her thesis on culturally sensitive practices. Adriana’s professional path is marked by her commitment to integrating clients’ cultural backgrounds into therapy, a principle she advocated for early in her career when cultural responsiveness was not widely acknowledged in the field.

Her career highlights include transformative moments with clients, such as significantly improving a young child’s health and autonomy through targeted behavioral interventions that thoughtfully integrated their cultural aspects. These successes underscore her belief in the profound impact of personalized and culturally aware therapy. Looking ahead, Adriana aims to further advance cultural responsiveness within ABA, focusing on educating and mentoring the next generation of practitioners to ensure comprehensive and empathetic client care.