1. What is your title? Describe what you do.

I’m a Lead Clinical Supervisor. I train and supervise behavior technicians to implement ABA protocols and interventions which helps our clients develop functional communication, social skills, and daily living skills. I also collaborate with parents, schools, and other health professionals to ensure our team’s interventions work in harmony with their environment.

I love that we have a positive and supportive culture. Everyone is willing to offer help, share their gratitude, and celebrate each other’s wins.

2. What drew you to Behavioral Framework?

I researched Behavioral Framework before applying. I loved that the company is owned and operated by a BCBA (our fearless leader, Angela West), and that the company is accredited by the Behavioral Health Center of Excellence.

3. What are the most rewarding parts of your job?

The most rewarding parts of my job are those “breakthrough” moments for our clients and their caregivers. All of the hard work is worthwhile when a caregiver shares that their child is no longer engaging in self-injury, trying new foods, playing with other kids, or when a child says their first words. ABA is such a powerful science and I love that we get to make a socially significant difference in our client’s lives.

4. What advice would you give to someone looking to pursue a role like yours? Are there specific character traits or skills/certifications they should possess?

If someone is interested in working as a BCBA, I would advise them to talk to other behavior analysts, develop a network, and find a mentor. The job not only requires a Master’s Degree, field work experience, and passing the Board exam; it requires compassion, creativity, problem solving skills, humility, and the willingness to learn.

5. What do you like best about Behavioral Framework?

I love that we have a positive and supportive culture. Everyone is willing to offer help, share their gratitude, and celebrate each other’s wins.

6. Would you recommend someone to work at Behavioral Framework? And why?

Absolutely! ABA is a growing field and Behavioral Framework is a growing company. I still remember how blown away I was during my first week- I literally cried tears of joy because of the supportive environment and the thoughtfulness behind the training and
onboarding process. Behavioral Framework provides its employees with the material and human resources to make me feel valued, and enables me to be the best BCBA I can be for my clients and team members.