There are three phases to the process.
An assessment of your child’s strengths and needs is required to create an individualized treatment plan and to determine how much ABA therapy your child needs. The assessment takes about two hours to complete. Here is what you can expect throughout the entire assessment process.
Scheduling Your Assessment
Our team guides your family through the process of gathering the required documents for insurance. Your child’s assessment will be scheduled based on your availability. For your child to receive therapy, you first must have a comprehensive diagnostic assessment from a medical professional that confirms an autism diagnosis. All of your questions about the process will be answered by one of our dedicated team members.

The Assessment
The assessment takes place with you and your child in your home. The Assessment Coordinator will ask you questions about the goals you have for your child, challenges you and your child face, difficult behaviors that occur, and your child’s strengths.
An observation will take place of your child doing normal, everyday activities, such as playing with toys or with their siblings. More questions may be asked during this portion to better understand how to help.
Your child will also be asked to do different things, such as follow directions, label items, and answer questions. Depending on how your child responds, this portion may be a little longer. It’s OK if your child is shy or doesn’t participate.
At the end, the assessment will be summarized and recommendation of weekly ABA therapy hours to help your child will be made.
What Happens Next
After the assessment, our team uses this information to match your family with a Clinical Team to maximize your child’s gains.
A Behavior Technician is identified based on your family’s preferences and your child’s unique strengths and needs. Important personality traits, geographic location, and availability are used to ensure an appropriate match is made for your family.
A Clinical Supervisor is identified and reaches out to your family to begin your ABA therapy journey. The Clinical Supervisor supports the Behavior Technician in developing a positive relationship with your child at the start of therapy.